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Preston Uni Quarter To Get Shipping Container Food Market


Plans for a new, state-of-the-art two-storey building made from shipping containers have been unveiled for a plant of land in Moor Lane, at the heart of the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) campus.

Place North West reports that the scheme is the latest hospitality concept to boost the university quarter in Preston, which is now being seen as the latest ‘go-to’ area of the city, as redevelopment continues at pace,

It was also recently announced that there are plans to open a micro-pub at the end of the Friargate shopping area to tap into the work being undertaken on the new University Square.

Recall Properties, which owns a strip of shops adjacent to Moor Lane, is seeking to build a futuristic shipping container venue for hospitality businesses on a plot of land close to student accommodation blocks.

A report to the council said: “This development proposes a unique opportunity to widen the range of food and drink services in Preston, particularly benefiting the vibrant student population within the immediate area, whilst encouraging an environmentally sustainable development on a vacant and underutilised parcel of land.”

Planners say they want to create a “unique and inviting eating space with functional seating areas for users of the proposed eateries.”

The venue will consist of a rooftop terrace with tensile fabric canopies above high-quality, modern shipping contain-style food and drink outlets. If the plans are approved, it will be the latest project in the city that has made use of shipping containers for business and retail purposes.

If you’re looking to buy a used shipping container in the UK, talk to us today.



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