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Shipping Container Turned Into Care Home Visiting Pod!

With the pandemic set to be around for quite some time and vulnerable people perhaps wanting to continue to shield even after August 1st, when the government has advised that shielding will be paused, spending time with loved ones may continue to be problematic for those most affected by the crisis.

But in Melbourne, it seems that one care home has come up with an innovative solution to help families be together - turning a shipping container into a visiting pod, complete with a glass partition, so that people can feel those human connections once again.

According to the Daily Mail, Geelong’s Multicultural Aged Care Services has divided containers into two rooms so residents can spend time with their families. They are separated by a glass partition, but speakers and microphones have also been installed to help those with hearing problems.

The pods are both comfort chair and wheelchair accessible, and are open every day from 10:00 to 19:00, with chief executive of MACS Joy Leggo saying: “To see the joy on the residents face as they come out but also the families as well. Because they have actually been able to see their loved ones and see that they are well and they are happy, it’s just so heartwarming.”

Storage containers have also been used over the last few months as testing centres, as well as temporary prison cells to help reduce the spread of the virus in prisons. It’s certainly been interesting to see how versatile these containers are and what they can be used for.

Are you looking for new shipping containers for sale? Get in touch with us today.

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